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Friends of Stanmore - coffee morning

The Friends of Stanmore would like to invite parents and carers of children across all years to come and have a morning cuppa with us. As well as having a hot drink and a chat, we are hoping to make it a chance to explore an interesting topic or try out a fun craft. Tea and coffee will be provided and donations welcome. The coffee morning will take place in the Acorns room after drop-off from 9am. Smaller siblings are also welcome.

If there are any topics, ideas or crafts you would like to know more about or are interested in trying out, from making Hama beads to good nutrition on a budget, please feel free to drop us an email via If you feel you could be an extra pair of hands and would be interested in becoming part of the ‘Stanmore cuppa’ team, and help out with setting up and just being there for those mornings, please let your class rep know or email the friends at or go to our Facebook page Friends of Stanmore School to express your interest.  

11 February

KS1 SATs meeting

2 March

Year 6 Mock SATs