Anti-Bullying Policy Review date: November 2025, Reviewing body: Governor Standards Committee)
Attendance policy (Review date: October 2025, Reviewing body: Full Governing Body)
Before and after school policy (Review date: May 2025, Reviewing body: Full Governing Body)
Behaviour policy (Review February 2025, Reviewing body: Full Governing Body)
Child protection and safeguarding
Child Protection policy (Review date: September 2025, Reviewing body: Full Governing Body)
Keeping children safe in education - September 2024 (Review date: September 2025, Reviewing body: Full Governing Body)
Safeguarding policy (Review date: October 2025, Reviewing body: Full Governing Body)
Online safety policy (Review date: November 2025, Reviewing body: Resources Committee)
Complaints Policy (Review date: October 2025, Reviewing body: Full Governing Body)
Charging and remissions
Charging and Remissions policy (Review date: June 2025, Reviewing body: Governor Resources Committee)
Collection of school meals money and school meals debt policy (Review date: January 2025, Reviewing body: Governor Resources Committee)
Disability equality scheme and accessibility plan (Review date: October 2025, Reviewing body: Full Governing Body)
Equalities policy and objectives (Review date: October 2025, Reviewing body: Full Governing Body)
Exclusion policy (Review date: October 2025, Reviewing body: Full Governing Body)
Freedom of information
Freedom of information policy (Review date: October 2025, Reviewing body: Full Governing Body)
Governor expenses policy (Review date: October 2025, Reviewing body: Full Governing Body)
Governor visits policy (Review date: February 2025, Reviewing body: Full Governing Body)
GDPR and Confidentiality
Confidentiality policy (Review date: October 2025, Reviewing body: Full Governing Body)
General Data Protection Regulation policy (Review date: February 2025, Reviewing body: Full Governing Body)
Privacy Notice - (Review Date: February 2025, Reviewing body: Headteacher)
Health and safety
Health and safety policy (Review date: February 2025, Reviewing body: Governor Resources Committee)
Premises Management policy (Review date: September 2025, Reviewing body: Governor Resources Committee)
Working From Height policy (Review date: September 2025, Reviewing body: Governor Resources Committee)
Hire of facilities
Hire of facilities policy (Review date: February 2025, Reviewing body: Governor Resources Committee)
First aid policy (Review date: November 2025, Reviewing body: Governor Standards Committee)
Supporting Pupils with Medical Conditions policy (Review date: March 2025, Reviewing body: Governor Standards Committee)
Parents, carers, visitors and volunteers
Code of Conduct - Parents, Carers and Visitors (Review date: October 2025, Reviewing body: Full Governing Body)
Sex and relationships
Relationships, Sex and Health Education Policy (Review date: November 2025, Reviewing body: Governor Standards Committee)
Special Educational Needs and Disability
Special Educational Needs Information Report 2023-24
Special Educational Needs Policy (Review date: November 2025, Reviewing body: Governor Standards Committee)
Staff and personnel
Acceptable use of ICT policy (Review date: October 2025, Reviewing body: Governor Resources Committee)
Code of Conduct - Staff and Volunteers (Review date: October 2025, Reviewing body: Full Governing Body)
Disciplinary policy (Review date: June 2025, Reviewing body: Governor Resources Committee)
ECT Policy (Review date February 2025, Reviewing body: Full Governing Body)
Flexible Working policy (Review date: February 2025, Reviewing body: Governor Resources Committee)
Grievance policy (Review date: February 2025, Reviewing body: Governor Resources Committee)
Low level concern policy (Review data: September 2025, Reviewing body: Full Governing body)
Pay policy (Review date: October 2025, Reviewing body: Governor Pay Committee)
Performance management and capability procedure (Review date: February 2025, Reviewing body: Governor Pay Committee)
Recruitment policy (Review date: February 2025, Reviewing body: Governor Resources Committee)
Restrictive Physical Intervention policy (Review date: February 2025, Reviewing body: Full Governing Body)
Sickness absence policy (Review date: September 2025, Reviewing body: Governor Resources Committee)
Social Media policy (Review date: October 2025, Reviewing body: Full Governing Body)
Protected Disclosures (“Whistleblowing”) (Review date: October 2025, Reviewing body: Full Governing Body)
Teaching and learning
Teaching and learning policy (Review date: November 2025, Reviewing body: Governor Standards Committee)