SPEAK choose their charity
On Friday 28th September 2018 SPEAK held their second meeting of the year where they voted for the committee members and discussed how things have been going since September. We would like to share with you highlights from the minutes of their first meeting.
Election of Chair and Assistant Chair
Sam gave a wonderful speech outlining why he would make a great chair of SPEAK and was duly elected.
Katie and Karra put themselves forward for the role of Assistant Chair and gave such great speeches that SPEAK decided to elect both to share the role!
Eben and Martyn were elected as secretaries and will take the minutes, type them up and distribute them. (A very responsible job!)
Adopted charity
Two charities were nominated by Karra and Katie; British Diabetic society and Young Carers. Both girls gave compelling reasons why the charities should be chosen and by a narrow margin, Winchester Young Carers was chosen as this years’ adopted charity. Winchester Young Carers does some fabulous work supporting young people who have a caring role at home.
Later in the year SPEAK will organise a fundraiser for Young Carers.
What is going well
SPEAK reported that the children were really enjoying their learning.
They really liked the behaviour system because you had to work hard to move up the traffic lights and they felt it was encouraging children to behave well.
The children reported that they enjoyed getting the Headteacher’s merit awards and this encouraged them to work hard.
The children were enjoying the PPA sessions with MLT coaches and enjoyed the range of activities they offered.
Even Better If ….
SPEAK reps reported that they would like more structured activities to play at break times and would like to go in the Quad area more.
The children reported really enjoying the Golden Mile track and asked if they could do it daily, with the scores recorded.
They also reported they are meeting with Mr Johnson to discuss these two points and will share how they get on after their next meeting.