Farewell from Mr Johnson
As I look out of my office window watching FOS set up for the Christmas Fair and Key Stage 2 playing on the equipment, I find it hard to believe that we have nearly completed the autumn term and therefore 2018, it compounds the feeling that being at Stanmore is a real honour and privilege and I hope you all feel as I do, that the school continues to go from strength to strength.
The children are fantastic, have an amazing thirst for learning and desire to achieve and I’m really fortunate to have such a committed and dedicated staff team that always bring that little bit of sunshine into the building to enrich everyone lives.
It is therefore with mixed emotions that I write my last newsletter as today is my last day as Interim Headteacher as come tomorrow Mrs Taylor takes up her role as the new substantive Headteacher, however I will still be around until the end term ensuring that there is a smooth and comprehensive handover of leadership between Mrs Taylor and myself.
I would like to thank you for supporting the school and all of you who help on a daily basis to enrich the learning and help make Stanmore a happy and nurturing environment for all our pupils. I shall miss you all dearly and please know that Stanmore will always have a place in heart. I know that Stanmore is in a very strong position with Mrs Taylor, she will continue to drive forward the required improvements on the journey to good and beyond and I know that you will all be behind her supporting all the way.
I wish you all a very pleasant Christmas and New Year and look forward to hearing how Stanmore continues to improve and be the BEST that it possibly can be.