Stanmore Post - 4 October 2019

Dear Parents,

We are proud of the improvements that we are making in line with our school values BEST: Belonging, excellence, support and trust.

In the new OFSTED framework, schools are judged on ‘The Quality of the Education.’ Schools are expected to prioritise the teaching of phonics and early reading, as well as encouraging older pupils to read widely and deeply. Our new topics provide the framework for our school’s curriculum, which is the substance of what is taught with a specific plan of what pupils need to know in total and in each subject.  You can see some of the work the children have been enjoying in our news section of our website.

The quality of the education at Stanmore Primary School is continually improving. We know this because we have regular visits from the local authority who check that we are on track with our school improvement plan. We also know this because there was a considerable improvement in outcomes for children at the end of Year 6 in July 2019.

These outcomes are the strongest that the school has seen over the last three years. We are pleased that the improvements that Governors, leaders and teachers began to implement in 2018 have had impact. This tells us that more children at Stanmore were ready for their next steps in education than seen in recent years, in terms of education, personal development, behaviour and attitude. We are working hard to secure further significant improvements in outcomes this year across the school, but particularly in phonics and early reading. Find out more about how we are continuing to work towards achieving this by attending our School Improvement meeting on 15.10.19 at 6:30pm.

You can help us by ensuring that your child attends school every day and they arrive on time. Research, and our own findings from last year’s outcomes, tells us that children who are in school receiving an education every day are more likely to be ready for the next steps in their education. 

Best wishes 

Sharon Taylor

Macarena for NSPCC

On Tuesday at 8.40am in the rear junior playground children will be performing the Macarena and parents are invited to join in! Mrs Horkan and Miss Norris will be leading the dance and there will be a bucket collection to raise funds for the NSPCC. We have seen a preview, and can assure you it is well worth watching! 

My School CD

Earlier in the year, Miss Hurley led the school in a project to make a CD. On the CD there is one song sung by the whole school, a song sung by each year group, and 2 songs sung by the choir. We have 100 CD’s available for sale at £8 each. If you would like to purchase one, please pop into the office (they will make great Christmas presents!). Thank you.


On Thursday 26th September, 9 pupils ventured out to Fitfest in Eastleigh, an event run by CAMHS to raise awareness of mental health and wellbeing. The children had an amazing day enjoying activities such as octopus pottery, cyber kindness, being bodywise and writing and singing their own sea shanty!  We learnt lots of valuable facts about taking care of our mental and physical health that we have brought back to share with the rest of the school. I was very proud to be accompanying our children as they were polite and respectful to everyone we came across. Thank you to Mrs Riches for all of her help to make our day out successful. I look forward to this event again next year!
Miss Shuff

Hello Yellow

On Thursday 10th October, we are taking part in a national event in order to raise money for the mental health charity Young Minds. The children will be having an introductory assembly about mental health in an age appropriate way, followed by a lesson in class talking about feelings and how we can support our friends if we notice they are not 'ok'.  In the afternoon, we are using this event as an opportunity to take part in activities in our house teams, which we know will be fun and exciting!

In order for us to raise money, we are going to hold a 'Yellow bake sale'. Everybody is invited to bring in cakes/biscuits decorated in yellow, which will be for sale after school on Thursday. Please bring them into the hall on Thursday morning.

We are also inviting everyone to come into school dressed in yellow for a donation of £1!

Whether you choose a subtle splash of colour or dress like sunshine from head-to-toe (like I will be!!), together we can show young people they’re not alone with their mental health.

We really hope everyone can pull together so we can raise as much as possible for this very relevant and fantastic cause.


Everyone should have received the photos of their children this week. We were really pleased with them and thoroughly enjoyed looking at all the smiling faces. Please ensure all orders are returned to the office ready for collection by Cardwell and Simons on 15th October 2019. 

Cardwell and Simons have offered us the opportunity to hold a weekend family session to take family portraits in the Spring Term. We would be interested to know if parents would be interested in attending one of these sessions. Please let the office know to allow us to gauge interest. Thank you.

Reception Photo

The Hampshire Chronicle will be sending a photographer into school on Wednesday 9th October 2019 to take a photo of our reception class. This will be printed in the newspaper at a date to be advised nearer the time. ONLY CHILDREN WHOSE PARENTS HAVE CONSENTED TO THEIR CHILD APPEARING IN THE MEDIA WILL BE IN THE PHOTO


Rowan are checking calculations using the inverse


Sycamore have been writing the news