Friends fo Stanmore say welcome back!

The FoS want to say "welcome back" and "where did that summer break go?"! 

We hope you have settled back into the school routine and are ready to support us with all our events.

We also want to say "hello" to all our new parents and carers. Shortly you will be receiving a Welcome! letter from the FoS, with details on who we are and what we do. We are also in the process of setting a date for a coffee morning so you can come along and find out more. We hope that you and your children enjoy being involved in the FoS community and see the benefits and rewards that come with supporting us. We look to seeing you soon!

The first date for your diary is our world famous(!!?) cake and uniform sale. It's on Thursday 26th September from 3pm onwards. Please can Year R and all KS1 classes provide us with lovely cakes and bakes! All donations must be NUT FREE AND INCLUDE A FULL LIST OF INGREDIENTS. If any bakes do not have a list of ingredients then we cannot sell them. You can drop off your bakes into the office on the morning of the sale and pick up any named  tupperware the next morning, again from the office. Thank you for your support with this. 

We have lots of other dates to tell you about but you'll have to wait til next week to find out what and when they are!! Thanks and see you around, Rachel D, Rachel W, Hayley, Jen and Amy.


Parent Governor Vacancy


Stanmore Post - 13th September 2019