Friends of Stanmore update - 17 January 2020

Hi Everyone, 

Firstly, due to all the amazing support we have received, and the funding we have raised, the FoS have been able to help support the school and teachers in providing them with a chance to ask for resources and extra items that they would like. We have already successfully provided year 6 with some books and the Ready to Learn room with some games and fun resources, this is something we feel very passionate about and hope we can continue to keep supporting.

We received a few gifts from our gift amnesty collections this week. These were very gratefully received and will be sorted through for our upcoming fairs, thank you for your kind donations. If you missed our dates, any further donations can be left in the school office. 

On Thursday 23rd Jan, from 3pm, the Friends of Stanmore will be hosting a year 5/6 cake sale.  Letters should be out by the beginning of next week including an ingredients form, please can year 5/6 children and parents provide nut free bakes with a full list of ingredients to the office on the morning of the cake sale or straight to the stand. We will hopefully be bringing out the second hand uniform for any of you that are interested and I did see some water proof coats hiding within the racks, as it seems they have been very much needed this week. Please can I also add that we hugely appreciate any unwanted good condition logo uniform that you  no longer need, this will go towards more fundraising for your school and I am sure gratefully received by other parents!

A massive Thank you to all of you who attended this weeks members meeting, our next meeting with be held on Monday 10th February from 8pm at The Queens pub in St Cross. This meeting will be very much focused on moving forward with our new volunteer structure and so if you wish to become more involved in what we do, it would be awesome if you could make it, every one welcome to come along :) 

Many thanks and have a lovely (wishfully dry) weekend,

Rachel, Hayley, Jen and Amy!


Whales providing inspiration for our learning


Stanmore Post - 17 January 2020