Stanmore Post - 2 October 2020

As part of our school improvement, and to allow access to remote learning for children during any period of quarantining or local lockdowns, we will be using Google Classroom. Our computing lessons over the next few weeks will allow us to explore the platform with the children.

Google Classroom is a free and secure learning network for teachers, students and schools and it provides a safe way for us to connect, share content, access homework, participate in discussions and receive class information. The platform allows you and your child to have access to course work at any time, online, and through any mobile device with Internet capabilities—including iPhone, iPad and Android devices. 

Google Classroom is used as an educational tool and will be used strictly for educational purposes. We will be able to provide appropriate tasks for each child and we will be able to mark your child’s work. Your child will be able to check on work missed when absent and to ask questions about assignments.

All children have been provided with an email address, which can only be used to access their class work. Teachers will be able to monitor and approve any comments or posts. Children are not able to email each other using their Gmail. 

Your child has been given their log in to take home. This weeks’ homework for the whole school will be to access their account and to join their class page. 

Best Wishes

Sharon Taylor


Year 5 and 6 - Home Learning 12th October 2020


Year 3 and 4 Home learning 5th October 2020