Stanmore Post - 29 May 2020
Dear Parents,
I hope that you have enjoyed a break from Home School learning this week.
In accordance with the Prime Minister's announcement on Thursday 28th May, we are now definitely opening the school from Monday 1st June for children in Years R, 1 and 6. Key worker and other named priority children will continue to attend in Year 2, 3, 4 and 5.
At Stanmore Primary School the return dates are:
Monday June 1st Children of critical workers and vulnerable children and Children in Year R
Tuesday 2nd June Children in Year 1
Thursday 4th June Children in Year 6
The later start date for Year 6 gives us an opportunity to review the whole school operational Covid-19 plan and make any necessary adjustments before increasing the number of pupils in order to keep everyone as safe as possible. Parents of children in Year 6 will be given a further update early next week.
I would like to set out in some more detail the practical arrangements for drop off and pick up next week.
The school site has been set up as a one way system. Parents should arrive at the Badger Farm Gate or the Stanmore Lane Gate and move around the whole site in a clockwise direction. It is essential that you follow social distancing rules on our site. When you arrive at the queue for your classroom please wait, observing the 2m distance. Don't worry, there will be staff on site to help you while we all get used to our new systems.
Team Catkins (YR) will be directed to the Year R door.
Team Giraffe (Key worker/Priority named) group will be directed to the middle door on the KS2 side of the building. Please queue next to the building, observing 2m distance and leaving plenty of room for the clockwise flow of parents.
Team Ready2Learn will be directed to the Ready to Learn classroom.
Team Lions (Y1) will be directed to the middle gate (where Maple/Rowan used to enter) on the KS1 side of the building. Please queue next to the building, observing 2m distance and leaving plenty of room for the clockwise flow of parents.
If your child is upset and needs extra re-assurance there will be staff to help you. Don't worry, we know that this could happen, but we suggest that you step out of the queue, settle them and re-join the queue.
At pick up, please repeat the clockwise walk around the school, form a queue again and when you reach the front, the teacher in charge will call your child from the class and hand them over to you.
Only bring a water bottle and a lunch box if they have packed lunch
No book bag, PE kit or toys
Wear uniform, including a sun hat and trainers - not school shoes
Apply sun cream before coming to school and send a named bottle to stay in school if you would like your child to apply sun cream during the day. If your child needs hand cream this must also be named and should remain in school
Remind your child of the need to wash their hands and practice social distancing as much as is possible Send your Year R, 1 and 6 child every day if possible, once you have made the decision for them to attend school.
Continue to book in your child if you are a key worker in Year 2-5
If your child becomes unwell with symptoms - please don't send your child to school, if they have a new or continuous dry cough, a high temperature and loss of smell or taste. Please let us know and book your child to be tested immediately. If the test result is positive, the symptomatic child will need to stay at home for 7 days. The other children in the group will need to stay at home for 14 days. If the test result is negative then the ill child should stay at home until they are well and the remaining children can return to school immediately. This is also the case should a member of staff show symptoms.
If your child becomes unwell with symptoms at school - they will be cared for by a member of staff in Acorns. You will be contacted and asked to collect your child from Acorns and then advised to follow the Covid-19 guidance for households with possible coronavirus infection.
If we can help your child to access work in some way, please get in touch.
Please send work to:
We can provide printed versions of the work on line. Please contact the school office to arrange collection.
Year 1 and 2 home learning can be found here:
Year 3 & 4 home learning can be found here:
Year 5 & 6 home learning can be found here:
We will continue to evaluate our new systems and make any adjustments for this to run as smoothly and safely as possible. During this time we will appreciate your ongoing patience and good will. We are really looking forward to welcoming back the children in these year groups and look forward to when we can see all of our children back in school.
Best wishes
Sharon Taylor