Football and Science fairs

Stanmore Football Team

Our Year 6 football team took part in their first match this week. The rain was pouring and Otterborne were a formidable side, but everyone played brilliantly and the level of support for each other was amazing. One child even reminded the team of the fact that one of our keys to success was ‘Organisation’ so that what’s they needed to do! Well done to all involved and special thanks to Mr Firth for standing in the rain for an hour!

Year 2

Some of the year 2s have been writing stories this week about going on an adventure through a magical portal. For the last couple of days we have been typing up the stories on the chrome books. Mr Read has then done some live editing with children where he opens up their work on his chrome book and types a comment to the child who then sees it immediately and acts on it. This might be spelling corrections, suggestions of additions to work or a word they could make more adventurous.

Year 5 and 6

Year 2 visited a science fair in Oak class this week to learn all about light from the pupils in Year 5 and 6. They tried all the investigations and then evaluated their experience, identifying what they had learnt about light. They gave a big thumbs up for the event.

Classes were kept busy this week designing a creative information page exploring prisoners of the Tower of London. the key question was - Is justice always fair? - and the children were horrified to learn about the Princes that were imprisoned.


Stanmore Post - 22 October 2021


Stanmore Post - 15 October 2021