Reading Festival

On Monday we held the first Stanmore Reading Festival. This was a truly memorable event. Thank you to all the parents / carers for supporting this event by sending the children to school in festival clothing. They looked brilliant. The event focused on the story of Little Red Riding Hood and the children were introduced to different versions of the story. Each child was given a festival wristband and a lanyard pass to the different stages. After visiting each stage, the children collected a ‘stamp’ on the back of their festival pass. There were a variety of outdoor activities including storytelling, drama, and ‘silent’ stories puppet making and building the story in the woodland area. Two parents, Mr Thomas and Mr Valentine kindly supported this event sharing their talents as a story teller and musician. It was lovely to hear some live music and a lively, positive atmosphere was enjoyed by everyone as a result.

Year 5 and 6

Cooking up a storm!

In year 5/6, we spent an afternoon creating a Greek inspired dish. We cut up the ingredients we needed for a salad or tzatziki and added extra spices for more flavour! We were then able to taste our creations and mark flavour and presentation out of 10.


Stanmore Post - 9 July 2021


Stanmore Post - 2 July 2021