Art and Encyclopedias
Year 1
This week KS1 have discovered the Pico Eagle! We learned how to safely play on the equipment and even our teachers had a go!
In KS1 art club, we revisited our knowledge about Arctic animals and created an Arctic scene using oil pastels!
Year 2
In art the children have planned out their own treasure islands and looked at the sculptor Kapoor to give inspiration for their own sculptures on their islands. This afternoon they used mod rock and some junk modelling to make the base of their islands.
Year 5/6
This week we are now coming to the end of our wonderful text, The Whale.
To end this writing journey, we are going to be planning and drafting an encyclopaedia entry based on a creature that lives in water.
Using a range of encyclopaedias, we became feature spotters and searched for the most effective ones.