Our Magnificent Choir

Stanmore Choir showed how wonderful they were this week with a performance in Winchester Cathedral for hundreds of graduates and their family and friends. All the children looked incredible and Winchester University were amazed at how well they sang. They have made everyone at Stanmore very proud - and there may even have been a few wet eyes. Many thanks to Mrs Mitton and Mrs Eagle for their help in school and for Mr Valentine for his coaching sessions.

Birch class

In Science this week, Birch class have been learning all about the human skeleton and have been labelling bones on their own bodies. They even learnt some Hebrew names for the different parts.


Remarkable Writing!

Year 4 have been creating explanation texts about how to look after a mythical creature. Here are some of the highlights.

Year 5/6

Year 5/6 have finished their English topic by typing up their Solar System explanation texts. See below for some examples.


Experiments, Maths and Bendy Children


Marvellous Maths