The Grand Opening
Year 6 common room officially opens
Today marked a first for Stanmore Primary School as a new common opened up specifically for the use of year 6 children. The first lunchtime was really successful, with activities including table tennis, jigsaws, table football and hungry frogs (!). The children ate their lunch in there and enjoyed some relaxation time with their peers.
If anyone would like to come in for a lunchtime and either teach the children a new skill or make something with the children then please contact Mrs Atkins or the office. Also if anyone has any spare games, bean bags or craft equipment they would like to donate then they would be gratefully received. The year 5 children are already looking forward to their turn next year.
Birch class
Year 3 had a very creative start to their new book on Tuesday. Inspired by the book, 'The Rock Factory', the children used the instructions in the book to create their own crystals! They followed the instructions carefully, and later evaluated how effective they were. The crystals are starting to arrear on the wool - what a dazzlingly clever class they are!
Yr 5 and 6 Den building
As part of the hook for our new text, the children in year 5 and 6 learnt how to survive in the wild and took to the outside areas to create their own dens. There was lots of creative thinking and team work and although there were some wet children by the end, everyone had a good time. Not sure we would want to sleep in them though!
Forest School
The children have really enjoyed their introductory sessions to Forest School this week. They have explored the environment, made clay and leant how to play in the woods safely. These smiles show how much it was enjoyed - and how messy we got.