What a busy week!
This week we continued on our journey of exploring what life was like long ago! We were so pleased when William's Nan came to visit us and share her memories of growing up, school and chilly winters! The children also investigated their own families and found that all of our families are unique which makes us all very special!
In maths we have been investigating the numbers 6 and 7! We met Louise the Ladybird who enjoys her spots being decorated in different ways! The children used Louise to show how they can represent 6.
Maple class have created some amazing transient art this week during our new art topic 'Rain and Sunrays'. They looked at weather motifs and then created transient art using a range of loose resources. We had some amazing results!
This week in Rowan class, we have been investigating the strength, texture and absorbency of paper. By observing, tearing and touching we were able to conclude that cardboard was the strongest, tissue paper was the smoothest and a paper towel was the most absorbent. In art, we then used our knowledge on absorbency to create stunning filter paper flowers.
As we approach the last week of the half term, Birch Class's Matilda themed dance is coming together beautifully! We are learning to improvise, use facial expression in our moves and this week, we have added in a prop. The children have loved portraying the character of Matilda in their dance work; this week, we joined together all of the different sections that we have developed so far into the main piece.
In science this week, Birch Class have been continuing their work on 'Forces' by exploring non-contact forces and magnets. They have worked with the magnets to find the poles, magnetic attraction and repulsion. We are looking forward to investigating different magnets in our next lesson.
This week in Sycamore Class we have been investigating temperature. We had to find out the best way to slow down the melting process. Every 15 minutes we had to measure the temperature of different ice cubes either in different places or covered by different materials (hopefully acting as thermal insulators).
Oak Class
Oak class used a torch and ball to represent and describe Earth’s rotation to explain day and night and the apparent movement of the sun across the sky.
Fire service visit
The children in Year 2 , 5 and 6 enjoyed a visit from the Fire Service who taught them about: the main causes of fire and how the risks can be reduced, the triangle of fire and what to do in the event of a fire.
The children loved the interactive presentation and learnt many key skills in staying safe in the event of a fire starting. Some children even tried on the protective suits!