EAT them to DEFEAT them

Amazing Vegetables

This week the children took part in the ‘Eat them to defeat them’ campaign which is designed to encourage more children to try a range of different vegetables. Mandy has provided new and exciting tastes for the children and the whole school took part in a competition to design a poster. The 5 winners each received a big bag of vegetables!


This week we have explored the text Handa's Surprise and have learnt about the variety of fruits that the animals stole from Handa's basket! The children were asked to write about the animals and the fruit they stole! In Catkins, we have also been exploring how we keep our body healthy, specifically about which foods we should be eating and how we can protect our teeth! Forest school fell on our snowy day and the children loved investigating the snow and were even able to make a snowman! 


This week Maple class have continued their exploration of London by becoming tourists. We explored the 'Visit London' website and discovered some amazing things to do. We then watched some videos of the amazing landmarks and activities that you can visit in London! 


This week we have been busy planning, drafting and redrafting excellent instructions based on the text, Storm Whale. 

Noi- a lonely boy- finds a washed-up grey whale on the beach and he decides to take it home so he can care for it. We started off by looking at how we could write a set of instructions for washing a whale, just like Noi does. Through shared writing we were able to identify and use adverbials and imperative ( bossy) verbs. When given the choice of what we wanted our instructions to be based on, we came up with some imaginative but wonderful ideas: How to play volleyball with a whale to how to teach White Rose Maths to a whale. Wow- We really are becoming confident writers in Year 2!


In RE this week, Birch Class have been continuing their unit on 'Ritual', and thinking about the ceremony attached to the Paschal candle. They learnt about different parts of the services where Paschal candles are used, and freeze framed one aspect of them in their groups. 

As part of our Arts Award (Discover), we welcomed Vanessa and Jo from the Turner Sims Concert Hall back into our class and learnt about some of the musicians that play at their venue. The children listened to jazz, thinking about how musicians are able to improvise, and used different drawing materials to 'record' what they had heard. These will be used as part of the advertising material for the concert later in March - how exciting!

Year 5 /6

Children in year 5 /6 have been looking at natural art this week and have created their own natural masterpieces following the work from Andy Goldsworthy.


Our learning target this week in R2L has been "I can respond to all adults appropriately". We identified who the adults were in our lives and thought about what their main job was - to teach us how to make safe and good choices. We considered the phrase "It's not what you say, but the way that you say it!" and decided that singing  the phrase was a helpful reminder. Not only did we make a paper chain of kind words to cover R2L, but we were also politeness detectives around the school. The children used role play to "teach the teachers" and thought hard about how they spoke to each other. R2L discovered that please was the most popular word used by the Stanmore community. R2L collectively decided that Stanmore School is a happy school to belong to.


New additions to our school


World Book day