Learning in different ways

Children In Need update

The children raised £136 for Children In Need this week and they all looked amazing in their pudsy outfits.


This week, Birch Class have been learning about UK cities and counties. Each group had a different city or county to research before sharing what they had learnt with the rest of the class.


Sycamore class have been learning about weaving in our new art topic. We had to research different types of fabric and yarn to see what we would like to include in our wall hanging. We used high quality vocabulary such as glossy, muted, drab and vibrant. 

In addition to this, in our music unit called “Use it, Make it, Play it” we have been making musical instruments from junk modelling. Check back next week to see our musical orchestra with a difference! 


This week Aspen class have started their new science unit - Earth and Space. The class enjoyed learning about the nine different planets in our universe coming up with different mnemonics to help remember them. We also looked at who orbits the Sun and who orbits Earth.


Year 6 have been working hard on their final outcomes for English this week based on their text 'Pig Heart Boy'. They have written newspaper reported about the ground-breaking scientific advancement and have tried to incorporate formal and informal writing in their work. Next week they become archaeologists!


This week, R2L have been learning about the purpose of rules, both at school, at home and in the community.

We agreed that rules are in place to keep us safe, to ensure that things are fair and to help us to get along with each other.

We learnt that human brains are  a little similar to chimp's brains -  both have thinking brains and emotional brains! However, a chimp's emotional brain is much bigger than it's thinking brain so we had to decide which was the best part of our brain to use to follow the rules. Chimp choices or My choices.

Definitely My choices!


Moovers and Shakers


A colourful week at Stanmore Primary School