New beginnings

My Happy Mind

We have introduced a program to all year groups at school called myHappymind. myHappymind is all based around helping children to understand how their brain works and to support them in developing positive skills and habits to be their very best selves.  myHappymind is delivered in schools by class teachers through a series of interactive lessons and then the children apply their learning throughout the day.

To further embed this learning, myHappymind has developed a Parent App. These resources can be accessed online on your computer, or through an app on your phone. The Parent App will support you as a parent in understanding what your child is learning, activities for you to do together at home and also a Kids Zone featuring myHappymind Games.  To access these materials just go to to create your free account. You will need to enter your name, email, and the following authentication code 115962.  

For more information about myHappymind, please follow the following link to an introductory video.  If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to speak to your child's class teacher or Mrs Fenton. 


Happy New year from everyone in R2L!

This week, as well as joining our classes for some inspiring learning, we have been thinking about the effect that our words can have. We now understand that although our tongues are small, they can be very powerful when saying words! We created a poster about some of the kind words, or cotton wool words, that we can say to each other. We all agreed that it is so much nicer to say and to hear kind words that build us up and make us feel happy rather than unkind, or sandpaper, words which are spiky, harsh and make us feel sad.

We practised putting our words into action when we made squirrel houses in Forest School. We hope that you like them as much as we enjoyed making them!


Children in Maple Class have quickly settled back into the spring term. We have started exploring collaging in art, specifically transient art. The children have used a variety of materials to create images of weather symbols. 


This week Rowan class have started their new art unit, 'Flower Head' and began the unit by completing some beautiful observational drawings of different flowers. They have been closely observing a variety of flowers and drew detailed pencil sketches of these. They then coloured them in so they looked as real as possible. They loved doing this and were so focussed on making the art the best it could be. Well done Rowan class. 


Birch have had a really busy week this week! We started our new topic "Rocks, Relics and Rumbles" where the children learnt about the different layers of the earth. In English, the children used dictionaries to find the definitions of words they didn't know the meaning of to make their writing as exciting as possible. 


Sycamore class have been thinking deeply about their times tables this week, learning all about factors. Great collaborative and active learning demonstrated their understanding of this new vocabulary and tested their improving times tables knowledge. 


This week in year 5 we have been looking at our new art unit - Light, Line and Shadow. The children had a go at drawing using one continuous line, making sure they didn't take their pencil off the page until they had finished. They produce some lovely drawings and were able to use lines effectively to add detail to their drawings!


In Elm class, the children have been busy starting their new topics on Electrical circuits and components and also looking at variable in games. They were able to label all the different elements of a circuit as well as being able to identify and alter variables used in scratch


New Year, New Experiences


Our busy Christmas week