Spring has Sprung
This week, Maple Class has welcomed the arrival of 10 eggs that we will be hatching out. The children did not notice much of a change to the eggs on days 1 and 2, but when they arrived on day 3 (Wednesday), they were greeted with the arrival of a new chick! We are looking forward to more of the eggs hatching this week. We are so eggcited to see how the chicks grow and develop over the next two weeks.
Inspired by the chicks hatching in Maple Class, the children used a range of junk modelling resources to create homes for the chicks. Some even included Netflix and a sand pit!
Children used a variety of resources to join materials, including different tapes and glues. What a cracking job they did!
Marvellous measuring!
This week Rowan class have started their new math unit, length and height. They have been measuring in centimeters and meters. They measured lots of different things in the classroom to the nearest meter. They then went outside and measured lots of things in the playground. They worked together to find out the length of the entire playground, discovering that it was 13m wide and 68m long. Great curiosity and teamwork which are real character strengths of all the class.
In maths, Birch have been working really hard to add and subtract lengths. The children have had to think carefully about how to convert each length so they are the same unit of measurement before they start adding and subtracting. The children have also been enjoying the chess and Spanish clubs run by Winchester College every Wednesday.
This week, Sycamore Class have been learning about the water cycle. To help to bring it to life, we made a water cycle in a bag. This meant that we could understand each part of the water cycle and how the water changes state. We had to relate this to our scientific knowledge that we developed last term in our ‘States of Matter’ science unit where we learnt about how water can change from a liquid to a gas (evaporation) and a gas to a liquid (condensation).
This week in Year 5 we have been thinking about how we can use our actions to portray our emotions. Aspen class are part of a 'Move Well' project which offers then a weekly journalling session, reflecting and target setting. This week we were focussing on a physical move that shows 'joy' the children had to showcase their move, and the rest of the class copied. By the end of the session, everyone was smiling!
Elm class have been busy producing some wonderful information texts on the Inuit, explaining all about the indigenous people that live in the arctic.
They also painted some lovely watercolours in art and in computing the children used their knowledge of circuits and programming to create light sensors using micro bits
Forest School
This week at forest school R2L used the palm drills to make medallions and used the new digging tools to make a stream and a pool.