Enjoying the sunshine
Year 2
This week we have carried on exploring plants and in our science looked at the difference between wild and garden plants. We went on a hunt around the school to see what we could find and we're surprised by the amount of plant life we have around our school site. We found lots of wild flowers including eyebright and speedwell, plants hidden in the grass, and also some wild strawberries. We are hoping for some strawberries to grow from them. The children then came back to class and dissected a flower to help identify all the different parts and then wrote what those parts are for.
Year 5 and 6
YR 6 took their Maths revision outside today and enjoyed the sunshine! Year 5 and 6 also enjoyed music lessons this week, playing the double harmonic scale which features in Arabic music. We played the notes: C Db E F G Ab B C.