Chris Lindsay Chris Lindsay

Coronavirus - information and plans for returning to school in September 2020

Last updated 4/9/2020

School starts for all pupils in Year 1 – 6 on Friday 4th September and for pupils in Year R on Monday 7th September.

Further information about the National full opening of schools can be found at:

September Opening

In the guidance issued by the Government at the beginning of July, it is stated that all pupils, in all year groups, will return to school full-time from the beginning of the autumn term. We have made plans for this to happen safely. Our overall aim is to continue to deliver a high quality education so that all of our children can thrive. In order to keep everyone safe, we are continuing to make necessary adjustments to our school routines. Our plan for safety follows government advice closely and includes:

  1. Making sure that people who are ill stay at home

  2. Making sure everyone practises good hygiene techniques

  3. Cleaning the school more intensively than we used to

  4. Active engagement with NHS Test and Trace arrangements

  5. Adjusting school routines to reduce contacts amongst those on site

Managing the risks for your children 

If your child or anyone in your family becomes unwell with symptoms 

Please don’t send your child to school, if they have a new or continuous dry cough, a high temperature and loss of smell or taste. Please let us know and book your child to be tested immediately. If the test result is positive, the symptomatic child will need to stay at home for 10 days. Other family members will need to stay at home for 14 days. If the test result is negative then the ill child should stay at home until they are well. Further government guidance can be found here.

If your child becomes unwell with symptoms at school

Your child will be cared for by a member of staff in Acorns. You will be contacted and asked to collect your child from Acorns and then advised to follow the Covid-19 guidance for households with possible coronavirus infection.  

If there is a confirmed case in the school community

We will contact our local health protection team who will guide us through the process of determining who has been in close contact with the person who has tested positive. Anyone who has been in close contact with a person who has tested positive will need to self-isolate for 14 days.

Minimising the number of contacts that children have in a day

We will minimise contact by organising the school day including, lessons, lunch and break times in class bubbles of 30. These ‘bubbles’ will remain as one class during the day, including break and lunch times. This is to minimise contact as much as possible. We can begin to increase the size of the bubbles from classes to year groups, initially for the younger pupils when the guidance indicates that it is safe to do so. We will minimise the number of adults that children come into contact with as much as possible while maintaining the quality of education. Where adults in addition to the class teacher or teaching assistant are needed to work with a class, social distancing will be the main protective factor. 

Systems for enhanced hygiene practices

Frequent handwashing practices will continue, as well as a regime of cleaning surfaces and contact points throughout the day. Please remind your child of the importance of good respiratory hygiene by promoting the ‘catch it, bin it, kill it’ approach. 

Face Masks 

Based on current guidelines from the Department of Health, primary school pupils do not need to wear facemasks. Staff will not be wearing face masks as we are able to rely on other protective measures, such as social distancing and limiting contact between classes. We are not expecting parents to wear masks on the school site. Parents should remain outside the building unless a meeting has been pre-arranged. We will continue to listen and act on any updates and notify you if there are any changes.  

First Aid and management of cross contamination

Every class has a first aid kit and a book to record incidents and any potential C-19 cross contamination. The teacher will deal with any first aid incidents and record them in the class book as a ‘green’ incident. A first Aider will be called to the class for a head bump or more serious cut or bruise and record this as an ‘amber’ incident. Parents will be notified by text or phone call in the same way as usual. Parents will continue to always be notified straight away in the event of a serious medical incident. If there has been any risk of cross contamination this will also be recorded. Staff have PPE to use if there is a first aid incident or a child accidentally wets or soils themselves. Don’t worry, we have spare clothes for your child.

Managing the School Day

School start and finish times 

We are not operating a staggered start because the size of our site enables a good flow of people to move around safely. Our one way system is effective in promoting social distancing. Children should arrive between 8:30 and 8:50am. On Friday we will allow more time for people to arrive locking the gates at 9:15am. From Monday 7th September, the gates will be locked at 9am.  We are aware of ‘pinch points’ at the end of the school day, particularly by the KS2 gate. If children in Year 5 and 6 can walk home or meet an adult outside the school gates that would help ease congestion. Parents are asked to arrive just before pick up time. KS1 3:10pm KS2 3:15pm.

Drop off and pick up

Social distancing is expected across the school site. Parents need to be mindful of social distancing leading up to the classroom door. If children can manage to go into the outside space in front of the classroom door independently that would help. Only one parent should accompany the child onto the school site.

Pick up and Drop off points 

These will remain the same as usual except that Willow Class will leave from the end door of the KS2 corridor, nearest to their class. Parents should wait outside this door, keeping a safe distance from one another. Sycamore and Birch will line up on the KS2 playground. We ask that parents please wait further back, towards the field on this playground, to allow room for social distancing. Bollards will be placed on the playground to indicate where to stand. Please could all parents leave the site as quickly as you can after collecting your child, so that we do not have overcrowding of pinch points at the exits.  


It is expected that all children will attend school. This is a legal responsibility. Shielding advice paused on August 1st so this applies to all children. Most parents and children will be pleased to get back to the routine of school. We understand that some children and parents will feel anxious. Some children may show challenging behaviour and refuse to re-start school. We will work with you and your child if there are any difficulties. Once they are back into a routine they will all be fine. Creating a strong routine from the start will make it easier for you and your child. Please get them up and ready in plenty of time. It is hard to have a good day from a late start. It only adds to the problem if an already anxious or school reluctant child arrives late because everyone else is already settled and knows what they are doing.

Notifying the school of absence 

If a child is absent due to illness parents MUST phone the office every day by 9am stating the reason for absence. 


Children should wear school uniform including school shoes. Normal good personal hygiene and regular washing of clothes is recommended. Children should not bring in PE bags. Instead PE kits should be worn to school on the day of PE lessons. As the weather becomes colder during the term, plain joggers or leggings can be worn in place of PE shorts. PE lessons will begin on the week beginning Monday 7th September and you will be notified of your child’s PE day. 


Children will need to bring a bag containing a water bottle, lunch box and any homework. For children in Year R the Stanmore book bag will be provided by the Friends of Stanmore Primary School. Children should not bring in large rucksacks. Please do not allow children to bring in soft toys. It is difficult to manage the safe handling of mobile phones. If there is a particular reason why your Year 5/6 child must have a mobile in phone in school please notify the school office to arrange secure storage. 


Please talk to your children about the need to follow the school rules, including those on social distancing. Adults are asked to respect these guidelines and support us in managing the risks while on site.

Wrap around provision

This is unable to restart at the moment. The team have worked to create a risk assessment and safe practice protocols and are looking forward to welcoming children back into the breakfast and after school club as soon as possible. Adhoc and contract sessions available. Please sign up if you are planning to use this facility as soon as possible via the website or email

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