Using switches and going Greek!
The children in catkins have been really busy this week writing letters for people around the school. Check out their fantastic writing.
Year 1 and 2
This week in history we have looked at Mary Anning and the importance of her historical discoveries. The children were very excited to have one of the history boxes from Hampshire history centre come to class and enjoyed exploring the different artefacts. The children made excellent links between artefacts and could explain which source of information was the most important and why. Quite a few future palaeontologists in year 1/2 I think!
Year 3 and 4
Year 3 /4 have been experimenting in science with switches to turn a bulb off and on. They have learnt about conductors and insulators.
In Geography they had to present all the knowledge they have learnt about the production of chocolate from Bean to Bar and the importance of Fairtrade chocolate. Our outcome shows the whole journey of a chocolate bar, from the harvesting of cocoa beans to the nipping down to Tesco Express to buy an emergency bar Miss Evers’s favourite Cadbury’s Dairy Milk chocolate!
This week we have worked hard to publish our books based on the Roald Dahl classic, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. In our versions, there was a sixth lucky golden ticket winner! All of the characters then visited an extra room in the factory before our new character met a sticky end!
We are very proud of them!
Year 5 and 6
This week, Elm class have gone all GREEK! We have spent time designing and moulding a Greek theatre mask out of paper mache.
In DT, we have been tasting a range of typically Greek foods. Next, we will be creating our own meal based on the food we tasted but the recipes must have a twist! Olives will not be appearing in many meals- these were not a favourite in Elm!
Roman Day - Year 3 & 4
On Thursday, the children in Birch, Sycamore and Willow were greeted by their teachers dressed as Roman Emperors or Gladiators! The day started with maths - Roman style. We made clocks using roman numerals and learnt a great song to help us to count! (You can listen too -
After break time, we looked at the Roman myth of how Rome came into existence, called 'Romulus and Remus'.
In the afternoon, we took a virtual trip (using Google Earth) around the Colosseum! We learnt about the blood sports that took place there and could see more detail about this important feat of Roman Architecture that is almost 3000 years old!
After that, we made Roman sandals and helped create our class mosaic.
Egyptian home learning projects
We have been working hard both in school and at home!
Home learning projects have been making their way to school over the last week, here is a small assortment of what is on display in the KS2 corridor.
Thomas said, "I made my tomb to look like the inside of a pyramid. I did a wordsearch, and mummified a teddy!"
"I made canopic jars, a sarcophagus and a quiz to go inside of my pyramid", said Naomi.
"I really enjoyed making my pyramid that had a mummy hidden inside because I enjoyed wrapping the mummy up in toilet paper!", reported Elisha-Mai.
Toilet Roll Timeline!
What better way to learn about the history of planet Earth than using a toilet roll?!
We started off outside of Miss Hurley's classroom 5 billion year ago, when Earth first began. Ed reliably rolled the toilet roll down the corridor and we started counting each square of paper...
We tracked the first traces of life, oxygen being present in our atmosphere, and after 380 squares (somewhere near Aspen Class) we met the dinosaurs!
Eventually we came into human history (the last 10,000 years or so) which was the last 3mm on the last square of toilet paper, just outside of Mrs Kempson's classroom!
We were trying to put the history of the Earth into context, so that we can start to understand more about the tricky concept of 'Chronology'.
Year 5 and 6 - Does justice whirl in equal measure outcome
Thank you to all the parents who joined us for our children in Year 5 and 6. They were very proud to share our work justice, crime and punishment.
Centred on The Tower of London, the outcome featured work the children had produced giving profiles of people who had been held in The Tower over the centuries. From monarchs, to Guy Fawkes, to the Kray Twins.
Throughout the term the children have been learning about crime and punishment throughout the ages, learning about some gruesome punishments and strange ideas of justice along the way!
Year 3 and 4 - Raiders and Traders Outcome
Thank you to all the parents who joined us for our children in Year 3 and 4. They were very proud to share our work on the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings.
The children showed everyone their topic books where they had written stories, researched facts and made time lines of who ruled when. The learning was centred around key questions that the children had asked about the Anglo-Saxons and the Vikings.
Anglo-Saxon Lapbooks
Year 3 and 4, Stanmore Primary School, Winchester
Anglo-Saxon Poster
Year 3 and 4, Stanmore Primary School, Winchester
Models of a Viking long house
Year 3 and 4, Stanmore Primary School, Winchester
Viking long houses, Viking helmets and Rune tablets
Year 3 and 4, Stanmore Primary School, Winchester
Hazel discover Queen Victoria
This week in Hazel class we have been enjoying delving into history to find out more about Queen Victoria and some of the other previous Kings and Queen of Britain. The children have enjoyed learning the facts and have remembered a huge amount. They then showed great co-operation to put together a group poster on different aspects of Queen Victoria's life including her childhood, family, marriage, coronation and interesting facts. One of which involves Christmas, see if your children can tell you.
We have also been learning to tell the time this week, one of those tricky aspects of maths which just takes quite a bit of practice. The year twos have been learning to tell the time to quarter to and past the hour as well as o'clock and half past while the year ones have all learnt to tell o'clock times. Please continue to talk to your children about time and help them learn the time, it is such an important skill.
Today we had a great afternoon making some crafts for the Christmas fair next week. Please come with you money ready to buy some of the things that the children have made, they are really proud of what they have done. See you all there!
Birch decide who the body belongs to
Year 3 / 4 have had another exciting week. The children concluded that Raedwald, the ruler of the East Angles, was the person who was buried with the ship at Sutton Hoo, from the clues they had investigated.
In music we are continuing to enjoy working on the Hall of the Mountain King and have started to compose our own pieces using a variety of instruments.
In science, the children enjoyed learning about bones and have made some amazing skeletons.
After watching a short film, Rukus, the children have loved writing newspaper reports about two outlaws, Frank and Jesse, who steal a ruby from a speeding train in the Arizona Desert.
Hazel class travelling back in time
We have had a great start to our time together in Hazel class so far this term. We have spent time getting to know each other and also remind ourselves about how to be the best we can be in and out of class. A class charter has been agreed by everyone and we are making sure that we follow both our class and school rules.
This week we had an exciting experience. Mr Read had a message that we needed to travel back in time to 1666, as there was a mystery that needed to be solved. We all made ourselves time travelling headbands, got in our time machine which took us back in time to 1666 where we discovered a spade standing in the ground. Some of us did some digging and discovered a bottle of wine, a block of cheese and an extract from a diary by someone called Samuel Pepys. He left us with a question which was “What if London hadn't burnt down?” Once we had got back in our time machine and returned to 2019 we looked at the clues in the diary again and some of us realised that the event that was being talked about what the Great Fire of London. The next few weeks we are all looking forward to learning about this important historic event and answering Samuel Pepys question.