Chris Lindsay Chris Lindsay

Deep Sea Diving in Art

We learnt how to use tint to create a realistic sea background and then used collage to add to the picture. We also used a tool on Purple Mash called Mashcam to turn ourselves into deep sea divers and added this to our art work.

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Chris Lindsay Chris Lindsay

Year 1 and 2 Poetry: The Sea

Year 1 and 2 were set a poetry homework challenge. They read a poem based on a wave and then had to have a go at creating their own. Here are some examples. 

Waves Across the Shore

When I splash in the ocean I make waves,
Big ones, small ones, all around the world they twirl.
Blue,green and turquoise they splash upon the beaches
With sparkly rolling edges.

On a stormy day, they grow and grow
Bigger and darker and dangerous
Grey and black they crash into the shore
They are not safe anymore.

I like the waves best of all
When they are flat and warm and swimmable
I can get inside them and feel comfortable
Surrounded by their wet hug.
— By Caoimhe
Sea sea beautiful sea.
Sea sea beautiful briny sea.
Sea sea beautiful briny crashing sea and waves.
Sea sea beautiful briny crashing thundering waves.
Sea sea beautiful briny crashing thundering salty waves.
Sea sea beautiful briny crashing thundering salty rolling waves.
Sea sea beautiful briny crashing thundering salty rolling spraying waves.
Sea sea beautiful briny crashing thundering salty rolling spraying rapped waves.
Sea sea beautiful briny crashing thundering salty rolling spraying rapped wild waves.
Sea sea beautiful briny crashing thundering salty rolling spraying rapped wild powerful waves.
Sea sea beautiful briny crashing thundering salty rolling spraying rapped wild powerful pushing waves.
— By Bronwyn
The waves are as blue as the sky on a sunny day.
The waves are loud.
As the waves drop it looks like a bubble bath.
— By Alice
The waves are soft like a teddy bear.
The waves are as beautiful as a flower.
They splash onto the gold sand.
— By Elsie
Waves can be big,
Waves can be small
Waves do a jig,
They always fall.

When big waves crash down,
It makes a huge sound
On to the sea and fish below,
Splashing water all around.

Dolphins love to ride the waves
Next to passing ships.
In the underwater caves,
On to the rocks the octopus grips.
— By Lily
Big Waves, small waves, every kind of wave,
ginormous waves and icy waves
That makes you shiver to the bones.

Salty waves and frothy waves,
That sting when they go in your eyes,
Crashing waves and splashing waves,
Of every shape and size.
— By Caelan
Huge waves
Splash down.
Little waves,
Near the sand.
Following me,
Caught me.
Now I have wet cold toes.
— By Thomas
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Chris Lindsay Chris Lindsay

What is at the bottom of the deep blue sea?

We used painting and collage to create deep sea diving masks that we then used when exploring the deep blue sea (through the wonder of Blue Planet 2). This was to help inspire us and learn some facts about the ocean, at the start of our "What's at the bottom of the beautiful briny sea."

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Chris Lindsay Chris Lindsay

Year 1 and 2 - Home Learning 19th October 2020

Curriculum for the week commencing 19 10 2020

Links to plain, lined and squared paper


This week we are continuing to focus on subtraction. We have used the White Rose videos which link to work for the children to do independently.


    This week we are focussing on addition and subtraction. We have used the White Rose videos which link to work for the children to do independently.

  • Click links below to access your video and worksheet

  • Use this file for your work on Monday and this file for your video

  • Use this file for your work on Tuesday and this file for your video

  • Use this file for work on Wednesday and this file for your video

  • Use this file for work on Thursday and this file for your video

  • Use this file for work on Friday


  • Click to open the literacy task for this week and the five activities for you to complete this week

RWI books to download

other subjects -

Use this link to access stories about Smartie the Penguin, who tells us all how to be safe online

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Chris Lindsay Chris Lindsay

Year 1 and 2 - Home Learning 12th October 2020

Curriculum for the week commencing 12 10 2020

Links to plain, lined and squared paper


This week we are focussing on addition and subtraction. We have used the White Rose videos which link to work for the children to do independently.

  • Click each link below to access your video and worksheets

  • Use this file for your work on Monday

  • Use this file for your work on Tuesday

  • Use this file for your work on Wednesday

  • Use this file for work on Thursday

  • Use this file for work on Friday

  • use these links for associated worksheets a b c d e


    This week we are focussing on addition and subtraction. We have used the White Rose videos which link to work for the children to do independently.

  • Click each link below to access your video

  • Use this file for your work on Monday

  • Use this file for your work on Tuesday

  • Use this file for work on Wednesday

  • Use this file for work on Thursday

  • Use this file for work on Friday

  • use these links for associated worksheets a b c d e


  • Click to open the literacy task for this week and the five activities for you to complete this week

RWI books to download

other subjects - click to open link to Oak Academy

  • Music - click to access a range of music lessons

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Chris Lindsay Chris Lindsay

Year 1 and 2 - Home Learning 5th October 2020

Curriculum for the week commencing 5 10 2020

Links to plain, lined and squared paper


This week we are focussing on adding and subtracting money. We have used the Oak Academy videos, which have work for the children to do independently.



  • Click to open the literacy task for this week and the five activities for you to complete this week

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Chris Lindsay Chris Lindsay

Year 1 and 2 - Home Learning 5th October 2020

Curriculum for the week commencing 5 10 2020

Links to plain, lined and squared paper


Click links on sheet to access daily videos

  • Click each link below to access your daily written work.

  • Use this file for your work on Monday

  • Use this file for your work on Tuesday

  • Use this file for work on Wednesday

  • Use this file for work on Friday



  • Click to open the literacy task for this week and the five activities for you to complete this week

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Chris Lindsay Chris Lindsay

Year 1 and 2 - Home Learning 21st September 2020

Curriculum for the week commencing 21 09 2020

Links to plain, lined and squared paper


Click links on sheet to access daily videos



  • Click to open the literacy task for this week and the five activities for you to complete this week

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Chris Lindsay Chris Lindsay

Year 1 and 2 - Home Learning 14th September 2020

Curriculum for the week commencing 14 09 2020

Links to plain, lined and squared paper


Click links on sheet to access daily videos


  • Click this link for videos

  • Use this file for your work on Monday

  • Use this file for your work on Tuesday

  • Use this file for work on Thursday

  • Use this file for work on Friday


  • Click to open the literacy task for this week and the five activities for you to complete this week

other subjects - click to open link to Oak Academy

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