Year 1 - money and words ending in 'ed'

In maths, we have been learning about British currency. Using real coins, the children have been identifying and representing the value of our money up to 20, 50p or £1.00. They have been making amounts of money using the coins, and on Thursday, enjoyed applying their knowledge of money buy playing ‘shops’. The children loved handling the money, and many are becoming fluent in recognising the different coins and their values; the children would benefit from continuing to practise this at home. Next week, we will be working on our addition and subtraction skills within 20 and solving problems using these skills.

In English, we planned and wrote our adventure stories for Traction Man. Our hero found himself in many exciting adventures, including flying to Los Angeles after lassoing the Evil Dishcloth, and chasing the Evil Dishcloth into a Cupboard of Doom! We spent time learning to edit and improve our work, such as checking punctuation, checking the correct spelling of the past tense ‘ed’ words (walked, not walkt). selecting high quality adjectives, adding conjunctions (and, but, because, so that) and using a thesaurus to find synonyms. We will be sending these stories to Mini Grey, Traction Man’s author, to inspire her thoughts for future creations!

Last week was the national ‘Anti-bullying’ week and was marked by a week-long PSHE focus on this year’s key theme- ‘choose respect’. Year 1 looked at ‘respect’ in terms of being a good friend to others, and how to respect our friends and others within the school and wider community. We ended our week with an assembly to parents/carers in which we shared our work, including the recipe we created for ‘Friendship Soup’. 

On Tuesday, we welcomed teaching students from the University of Winchester who are working with the children on a whole-school art project. The children are exploring the theme of ‘the environment’ and will be creating artwork to be displayed in school. The children have some incredible ideas which they are expressing through their art – we cannot wait to see the end results!

 We continue to work on our phonics and reading daily. The children are able to change their coloured band books every day – if you find that you are getting the same book repeatedly, please let the class teacher know so that we can help your child select a different text. Please can you ensure that coloured band books and reading diaries are in school daily, and that any reading you do at home is logged in the diary. Many thanks.

Thank you for your continued support regarding homework – we are delighted to receive so many completed spelling and maths/English homeworks each week. Some people have mentioned that they have problems accessing My Maths from a tablet or mobile phone; if you need to have the My Maths activities printed out, please let your class teacher know. 

A gentle reminder that parents’ evenings are on Tuesday 27th and Thursday 29th November. If you have not already booked your appointment, please see your class teacher who can book you a slot. Your child’s English, maths and topic books will be available for you to view outside the classroom, before or after your appointment. To ensure that we do not overrun, the appointments are strictly 10 minutes long. If you have any concerns that needs to be discussed at length, it may be necessary to book a time after school following parents’ evening. Thank you for your understanding and for helping us to keep to time. 


Goodbye Biff and Chip


Mrs Taylor starts on 1st December 2018