Fun in the snow, books, birds and new staff

Thank you for making it in through the snow at the beginning and end of the day today. The children were really well behaved and ready to learn as usual, but they also enjoyed some fun time in the snow. 

We have been looking at ways to improve opportunities for children to engage with reading. We would like to thank the Friends of Stanmore for the books that they have already bought. These are being used in classes. We are in the process of buying new sets of guided reading books for Year 6. Miss Young and Miss Anderson are going to work with our parent volunteers on re-opening the library for children to use after half term. This is a fantastic resource and I am really pleased that we are able to bring the library back into full use. 

Last weekend some pupils took part in the Big Garden Bird Watch, Alex in Year 6 has collated all of the information and as a school we spotted 21 different types of bird and a black cat! Well done to everyone who took part. 

This week I have been able to introduce parents to two of our new members of staff. Miss Laura Day joins us after Easter and met Year R parents during the curriculum evening. Mrs Lindsey Mason is working in the Ready to Learn (R2L) room and joins us after half term. She met some parents at the Year 4 parents meeting earlier this week. Once the R2L room is fully established we will invite parents in to see it work in practice. Many thanks to the parents who were able to attend the meetings. Watch out for the SATs meetings coming up after half term.

Best Wishes

Mrs S Taylor


School improvement plan - update February 2019


Pride in our work, pride in our pupils