Pride in our work, pride in our pupils
It has been a pleasure to see the improved standard of the presentation of work in the children’s books this week as part of our ongoing monitoring of the quality of teaching and learning. Children are really proud of their books and I have been encouraging them to bring their work along when they collect their merits. We are continuing to positively challenge them to find ways to apply their skills in different ways.
Children have had the opportunity to develop their Stanmore Keys for Success: confidence, resilience, organisation, persistence and co-operation this week. The children who participated in the trip to King Alfred’s Statue and the football tournament to Henry Beaufort School this week were a credit to you and to the school.
Our INSET day today enabled our whole staff team to work with colleagues in a number of different schools within the Kings School Cluster. We participated in professional development linked to writing, mathematics, ICT, developing thinking skills and supporting pupils with SEND. We have taken the opportunity this afternoon to ensure that we are working more consistently in the way we meet the needs of individual pupils. This includes getting the classroom environments looking more consistent across the school.
If you are taking part in the Big Garden Bird watch this weekend, I hope you have fun and the weather is kind.