Year 1 - the farm, place value and the UK
Welcome back after half term
What super Spring weather we had to start our new half term! It was a treat to see the children enjoying the sunny weather as they played together outside.
Very many thanks to everyone who has paid for the Longdown Dairy farm trip; we had a fantastic day last year and I am really looking forward to another great day!
To ensure that we have a safe and enjoyable day, please note the following:
We will be leaving school at approx. 9.15am and will return before 3.00pm.
Please wear school uniform on the top half, comfortable trousers on the bottom half.
Shoes/boots suitable to wear on a muddy farm.
Coat suitable for the weather (possibly wet).
Packed lunch, drink and snack in a bag that the child can carry.
(for those having a school packed lunch, please provide an additional drink and a snack)
In maths this week, we have been revisiting number and place value. We have used a range of resources to find 1 more/less and 10 more/less. We have compared numbers and used this knowledge to order whole numbers too. We have used these skills to solve different problems and challenges to do with place value.
We have been asked to write some new stories to entertain other children in KS1. As we will have been on our farm trip, we will be writing farm-based stories and will be compiling them into a ‘book’ which can be shared by other children. We are all very excited about this and can’t wait to get cracking! We will be including new grammar skills in our stories, as well as consolidating existing skills, such as punctuation and spelling.
In geography, we have started to explore the United Kingdom, learning about the 4 countries and their capital cities, as well as the main seas that surround our island.
In ICT, we are starting to use our new coding software. As some of the children are finding logging in tricky and time consuming, their passwords have been sent home for them to practice on a keyboard. If you are able to support your child in navigating the keyboard to type their password, this would be very much appreciated and will greatly speed up the log-in time! Many thanks in advance for your assistance and support with this.
We continue with our daily Guided reading and phonics – please see your class teacher if you would like copies of the phase 2, 3 and 5 sound mats to support your child when reading.
Details of an excellent website that supports phonics learning can be found below; many of the games can be accessed free of charge and the children love playing them!
Our classrooms have been alive with the sounds of the recorder on Tuesday afternoons. The children are very much enjoying their music lessons and are becoming more confident with the handling and fingering of the notes.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please speak to your child’s teacher so that we can address it as soon as possible. Thank you.
World Book Day
It is World Book Day on Thursday 7thMarch. Year 1 children have been asked to come in dressed in blue.
Parents’ evening
The booking is now open for you to book an appointment with your child’s teacher on Tuesday 12thor Thursday 14thMarch. If you are unable to use the parents booking website, please see your child’s teacher who will be able to make an appointment for you.
Inset Day
Friday 15thMarch