Year 1 - resilience and persistence paying off
The Year 1 children have shown resilience and persistence in their learning this week. We have had an exciting time, despite Sports Day being cancelled, and have had some fantastic experiences!
In writing, we posted off our books of spells to the witch, who paid us a visit to say ‘thank you’! She was very impressed with the children’s instruction writing, and even made one of the spells in a beautiful round bottle! We have started to recap on our grammar ready to write some stories for the Year 6 children. We have been practising the prefix ‘un’, contractions and the use of exclamation marks.
Multiplication and division has been on the maths menu this week. Many of the children are becoming fluent in these calculation strategies, and are able to prove their answers using equipment and in different presentations, such as the bar model or the part-part- whole model. We are looking forward to revisiting fractions next week!
In science, we conducted an experiment to find the most suitable material to make a new bag for the Jolly Postman. This included prediction skills, planning and carrying out the experiment and writing a conclusion. It was pleasing to see so many of the children using scientific language during their experiments.
In phonics, we are looking at the alternative pronunciations of different letters (ea/ie/ow and er), as well as learning to read and write tricky words. We are now resetting spellings on a Thursday, to be tested the following Wednesday.
Have a lovely weekend!