Poetry week: 27 - 30 January 2020

“Poetry is the rhythmical creation of beauty in words”. 

This week, poetry led the learning across KS1 and KS2. Unlike the writing journeys we usually teach where grammar, spelling and punctuation are a focus, we allowed the children to respond to unknown words and share their opinions.  Certain poems also allowed children to see how punctuation can be used differently but still be effective.

 All children listened to a range of poems based on the theme of ‘Change’: change of seasons, change of feelings, change of countries or change of habitats. The poems taught in Year 5/6 focused on the change or transformation of human to a mystical creature which really got us all thinking! 

The children thoroughly enjoyed hearing and learning new vocabulary, using their senses to write their own poetry and performing poems with their friends. They all worked incredibly hard!


The Lost Words - an art project


Year 4 - Multiplication Times Table Check