World Book Day 2021

Despite still being in ‘Lockdown’, all of the children and staff at Stanmore Primary School participated in celebrating World Book Day on Thursday 4th March. The event was launched by two ‘live’ assemblies, featuring our guest author, Helen Griffiths, who joined us from her home in New Zealand! Helen shared her incredible book, ‘Treasure Beyond Measure’ with us, explaining how she came to write her book, and the inspiration behind it.

This formed the ‘hook’ from which the children’s writing was based on for the next two days, which included exploring animals in different biomes, developing vocabulary and learning about fascinating collective nouns. This led to some inspired poetry writing on Friday, as well as the creation of animals using fruits and vegetables. In the afternoon, the children enjoyed a ‘Pyjamarama’, sharing books with hot chocolate and biscuits. The wonderful staff at school created a ‘Hidden Reader’ version of ‘Treasure Beyond Measure’, and a ‘Virtual Library’, where the children could click on a book cover and hear the book being read aloud, which was shared with children at home and in school.

World Book Day vouchers will be distributed week commencing Monday 8th March.

Year 5/6 wrote some fantastic Kennings poems using the Treasure Beyond Measure book.

Floating on the rushing river was a snapping caiman herd

They soon alarmed the crackle of the cockatoo bird

Flying low, the flutter of moths

Rudely awoken a slumber of sloths!

Mahika – Elm class


Meandering slowly through the vulnerable river

A bite of piranhas begin to quiver,

A flash of ants climbed up a rigid tree

Hoping they will soon be free.

But all they see is a whisper of slow sloths

Always waving to a flutter of moths.

Ava K and Olivia H – Oak


Stanmore Post - 5 March 2021


Stanmore Post - 26 February 2021