Stanmore Post - 26 February 2021

Dear Parents,

With the announcement of the Government ‘Roadmap’ taking us out of Lockdown and some better weather, it seems as though positive change is on the way. We are really looking forward to welcoming children back on Monday 8thMarch. We recognise that this date represents mixed feelings and children will experience the return in different ways. It is helpful to start preparing your child for this. You might choose to say that this is just another change in a year of changes and since they have coped brilliantly so far, there is no reason to believe that they won’t manage the change back into school. It is also worth reminding them that everyone is likely to feel a bit wobbly for a day or two but those feelings will soon pass. In school we will continue to focus on wellbeing. Throughout this year we have learned that the best way to help children resettle is to quickly re-establish routines and high expectations. You can help with this by ensuring that your child arrives on time, in full school uniform and attends every day.  

Breakfast club can re-start on Monday 8th March. Please book this a week in advance. A booking form will be emailed separately, please return to the admin office. Payment is via scopay. Further restrictions will not be lifted until 29 March at which point outdoor mixing in groups of 6 and organised outdoor sport can resume. Our school clubs will resume after Easter.

This week our blended learning model has continued to deliver inspiring curriculum activities. This has included designing imaginative islands based on the book ‘Wonder Garden by Kristjana Williams and to write instructions from the book ‘How to wash a Woolly Mammoth’ by Michelle Robinson. Children in Year 3 / 4 at home and in school followed instructions to make a Woolly Mammoth of their own, and afterwards, evaluated the instructions to improve them for future use. In Year 1 / 2. The book ‘Diver Bill’ by Judith and Kenyon is inspiring Year 1 and 2 to find out more about Winchester Cathedral. Find out more about learning this week at:

Next week, our final week of blended learning, we have some exciting events planned. World Book Day will extend over 3 days and will include a theme of maths through story amongst other events through story this year. We have different activities planned in school outlined in a separate letter and we will share photos on the website next week. Further information about these events can be found at:

On Friday 5th March children can wear their pyjamas or comfy clothes to school to celebrate World Book Day (and stay in them all day at home of course!)

Parents evening this Term will take the form of a 5 – 10 minute phone call. We will be offering telephone appointments during the week beginning 15th March. The purpose of this meeting will be to focus on how your child has managed within the Blended Learning phase and to evaluate their progress to date. Booking will be via Scopay and will open from tomorrow. This year, we will aim to offer an additional face to face Parents Evening in June.

Best Wishes

Sharon Taylor


World Book Day 2021


Super Science