Happy Easter - the end of a cracking good term
Eddie the Penguin
Year 3 and 4 put on a fantastic production of Eddie the Penguin Save the World this week. We are so proud of all their hard work and the way they presented themselves to their audience. We may have some future actors and singers in our school! What an excellent performance!
‘Eddie the Penguin saves the world’ demonstrated all of our BEST values and included every single child in year 3 and 4! We are so proud of them, showing commitment to learning their lines and rehearsing. Thank you to you for helping with this at home.
During our afternoons, we are being encouraged to choose activities with a focus linked to our Maths, Phonics, our story of the week, geography, or the time of year. Maple class have engaged enthusiastically with the opportunities provided, either completing activities/challenges independently or cooperatively with adults and peers. Our favourite activities have been using 3D shapes for construction, deciding what to pack if we were the Littlest Yak, making Easter decorations, and creating routes between London landmarks.
This week Rowan class have been appreciating the beauty of flowers. They have been closely observing a variety of flowers, including those around our beautiful school grounds. Using their observational skills, they drew details of the flowers and coloured them as accurately as they could.

Year 5
Year 5 finished their Sow and Grow topic with the making making of their very own soup this week. They have tested the vegetables they wanted to use, practised their chopping skills and even designed their own logos. Well done everyone.
Our amazing musicians performed a concert for the school this week. year 3 and 4 were able to showcase their work on the violin and the cellos and our Beyond the Beat musicians wowed everyone with their amazing performances. We are all very proud of them.