A great start to the Summer Term
Stanmore 30 books
Annabelle in Yr2 has become our first Reading Champion by reading the Key Stage 1 top 10 books and earning her 10 stars by completing the activities.
Well done Annabelle.

Maple Class have returned from the Easter holidays with a spring in their step. They have grown in confidence during Phonics, being keen to share their ideas, which has been reflected in some fantastic sentence writing! Both Year R and Year 1 have been exploring various resources and structures to support them in building numbers 10-20 or writing number fact families for numbers within 20.

The children in Rowan class have continued to explore flowers this week using the medium of clay. They had to use several important skills such as rolling the clay out, attaching two pieces of clay using cross hatching and clay slip and then scoring the clay to create a pattern. They showed their resilience throughout the process and created some wonderful designs.

Sycamore Class have enjoyed a very artistic week. The children have created artistic Bankura horses made out of clay and are starting to create William Morris inspired printing. Check back next week to see more progress!
Year 5 have started their ancient Greece topic. We have been learning about the Greek myth - Midas and his golden Touch in Guided Reading and have also started our new English book called "Who let the Gods out" which required the children to describe the evil character in the form of a press release. In our Topic lessons, we are learning how the geography of Greece influenced the rise of the City States (polis).

Year 6
Year 6 started their new text this week - Letters from the Lighthouse. We looked at old papers and ration cards from WWII and discussed what it must have been like to live through times where air raid shelters and blackout curtains needed to be used. We have also been practising our Rounders skills in PE lessons.