Well done year 6
All your hard work!
A big well done to our year 6 children this year. They have worked incredibly hard over their time at Stanmore Primary School and they had the opportunity to show everyone how great they are by sitting their SATS this week. Their attitudes were fantastic and we were all very proud of you.
Thank you to our amazing kitchen staff, who provided year 6 with a delicious pre SATS breakfast every morning.

This week in R2L we have been working on saying good things about ourselves. We recognised that sometimes, it can be easier to say negative things about ourselves than positive things. We learnt that by celebrating each one of our unique skills and talents that not only did it make us feel happier and more confident, but our happy mood made other people feel positive too!
We have continued exploring our local environment, creating messy maps of our route to school, as well as building places we may see along our route. Maple class have also enjoyed identifying the varied wildlife within our school grounds and utilising it to make journey sticks and to support our writing.

This week Rowan class have begun to use Oxford Reading Buddy, a brilliant way of getting more reading opportunities in our week. They have been learning alongside it the key skills of logging in, typing and persistence when technology goes wrong! Importantly, they can access this at home and continue to read their books at home and take the quizzes. This is a great way to engage your children in reading using technology.
Children in Birch Class are enjoying their athletics unit, especially when the weather is dry! This week, they have been learning to run at different speeds, accelerate and decelerate when indicated, and to be able to change direction when running at speed. Look out for them on Sports Day!
The children have been exploring how Rome was ruled. They explored the idea of Kingdoms, Republics and Empires and used this knowledge to sort statements about the benefits and challenges of each one.
In our PE lesson this week, we played football. First learning and practising skills like how to trap the ball and pass with some accuracy and then we enjoyed our first football match on the field in the sunshine! Let’s hope it continues.
The children in Aspen class have been researching and presenting the risk, effects and legislation around legal and illegal drugs. They thought carefully of the role medication has in our lives, as well the importance of staying safe.
Year 6
After a busy week of SATS where the children worked incredibly hard, Year 6 used their afternoons to investigate how to build strong bridges in DT using a range of materials and triangles. They then tested their bridges to see how many marbles it would hold -one team even managed 50! The children also investigated how birds used their beaks to pick up food in Science, comparing thin, pointed beaks (tweezers) and larger rounded beaks (tongs)!