Investigating our world through writing, art and history.
Maple class have been thinking about things that we could do as a class and at home to help look after our world. We have created posters and even created our own re-usable bags. We have also been closely observing flowers bloom and using a variety of media to capture the changes throughout the week.

This week Rowan class have been continuing to learn about microhabitats, but specifically researching some of the invertebrates that can be found around our school. They had the opportunity to research about bees, worms, woodlice and butterflies. Once they completed their research, they then made their first double page spread, informing the reader all about their chosen invertebrate! They came out looking amazing and they all tried their BEST to achieve the best result possible.
Birch Class are enjoying their Biology focused science unit on plant nutrition and reproduction. Today, we focused on the flower, and learnt about the different parts and their function. To bring the learning alive, the children each dissected a flower and labelled the parts with the new vocabulary. They presented their work so creatively - fantastic effort!
Sycamore class have been sewing as part of our DT project. We needed to practise doing a running stitch in order to sew a hem. It took a lot of persistence and resilience to do it!
In Year 5, we have taken advantage of the sunny weather by using drama to explore the thoughts, feelings and motivations of Thanatos, the king of the daemons in the story "Who Let the Gods Out". We will be writing from Thanatos' perspective as he escapes from his prison beneath Stonehenge by tricking Elliot (a mortal) and Virgo (an immortal in charge of the stationery at the Zodiac Council).
Year 6
Year 6 have been working hard being their own news reporter documenting the evacuation of children to the countryside and coast during World War 2. They have produced some lovely accounts with witness reports and hopes that the war would end soon!
To support their work in English the children also experienced some of life in WW2 through Hampshire Library’s history box. They loved trying on the old outfits and exploring all the artefects.
Year 6 have also started their topic on abstract art by taking ready drawn pictures and distorted them in imaginative ways.