Trips and all our other wonderful learning


As part of their DT project, Maple class have been exploring cutting, slicing, mashing and grating of different fruits and vegetables this week. They were able to talk about how the fruit changed and also the texture and appearance.

Rowan Class

Rowan had a fabulous day at Lepe beach They took part in a beach safari (finding lots of small crabs), a scavenger hunt and investigated mini beasts. Everyone had a great time and the teachers were super proud of all the children - the sun even came out for a short while.


In maths this week, children in Birch Class have been learning about different types of lines. They have used their understanding of horizontal, vertical, parallel and perpendicular lines to draw shapes on squared and isometric paper, using a ruler correctly. What super work!


Aspen class has continued with their science investigations to find out more about the properties of different materials. This week we have been working in groups to investigate whether materials are soluble or insoluble.  We also investigated the affect hot water had on the solubility of sugar which may have involved Mr Viney making himself a cup of tea! 

Year 6

Year 6 have been practising distortion and abstraction techniques in art to convey feelings and mood. We think they look amazing - can you guess what the mood is?

The children have also been designing their own theme parks in maths; using budgeting skills to finance their project as well as looking at their economic forecast depending on the amount of visitors they entice in.


A wide range of experiences


Our amazing broad curriculum.