A wide range of experiences

Disco time

Huge thanks to FOS for organising our Hawaiian Disco this week. The children had a fantastic time and they all looked amazing. Thank you to everyone who came and supported the school

Mad Science

This week the children had an assembly led by a mad scientist! She demonstrated key scientific concepts such as gravity and force. The children thoroughly enjoyed it and managed to ask and answer some excellent questions.


Maple class have been exploring plant parts and related topics this week. They have looked at different leaf shapes, built their own beanstalks and spent time in their very own garden shop. Year 1 children were scientists and investigated different trees, looking at their roots, trunk and trying to work out what tree they were from the types of leaves.


Rowan class have done some amazing computing this week. They have become DJ's while making digital music on Chrome music lab.


We have started a new unit of writing in Birch Class, inspired b the book, 'A Roman Soldier's Handbook'. The children have been learning to skim and scan to identify key information, and use this to decide whether or not they would recommend being a member of the Roman army. We used a 'Conscience Alley' to help a potential new recruit to decide if he should join up or not. He was persuaded that it would be a good choice to join!


Year 5 enjoyed a jobs fair in PHSE looking at a range of jobs from veterinary physiotherapist to forensic computer analyst. They learnt about the skills and qualifications needed to be employed in various jobs. Planning for the future, they thought about what they could do now to achieve their aspirations

Year 6

Year 6 have been continuing with their art project this week. They looked at still life compositions using an abstraction and distortion approach to drawing. They then used mixed media ( oil pastels, water colour and wax) to produce these outstanding pieces of art. They also received their amazing leavers hoodies.


Our very talented children


Trips and all our other wonderful learning