Our very talented children

Stanmore Dancers

Well done to our Stanmore dancers this week who picked up a second and first place in their competitions. Amazing job!

Stanmore Musicians

Beyond the Beat children took part in a fabulous showcase of all their hard work this week with a concert at Thornden school. They all did brilliantly and we were so proud of them.


The children in YR went on a special musical trip to Turner Sims this week. They were able to sit among the musicians and take part in a transport inspired concert. We went on trains, hot air balloons, cars and even bicycles. Everyone had a brilliant time.


Rowan class have been busy this week designing, creating and evaluating their bag tags! They prepared their felt, cut it into shape, chose the colour, and sewed the pieces together using a running stitch. It required a lot of persistence and resilience during the process, but they got some amazing results from it. They even added embellishments onto their tags to uplevel their designs. Well done Rowan class. 


Birch Class children are loving their Tag Rugby PE unit, despite playing in the tropical temperatures on Wednesday. This week, they have been learning to throw the ball between team members from stationary and moving positions. We will be using these skills in our attack and defence play in the next lesson. 


Aspen enjoyed learning about the delicate art of quilling in Art. They learn how to roll the paper properly before placing it on the correct place on the picture. They showed great perseverance for a really fiddly task.


Oak class have been looking at the decisions world leaders made during WW11 and how these impacted their countries. They showed great understanding and were able to compare these decisions with those made in WW1.


A wide range of experiences