Bringing the outdoors into our learning

Reading Festival

This week the children enjoyed a day celebrating the classic tale of Aladdin. They took part in reading and writing activities, created some beautiful botanical weaving, made amazing lanterns and even watched a magic show. Everyone enjoyed the day and it highlighted how much we value reading at Stanmore Primary School.

Outdoor learning

Children in Sycamore and R2L had fun in the woods this week making dens and clay faces for the trees - very creative.


Rowan class have been very busy this week for their science unit, Animal survival. For their innovate challenge they had to come up with a way to improve the school environment for animals. They chose to find a way to improve it for invertebrates and decided that making a bug hotel would be good for them. So, they went and collected as many natural resources as possible from the school grounds and created their bug hotel. They are very proud of it and will be doing regular observations to see if any invertebrates will be coming to stay! 


We have started our new art unit in Birch Class called 'Beautiful Botanicals'. We enjoyed botanical weaving as part of our Reading Festival activities  and today, have been learning about the importance of botanical artists and comparing and contrasting their styles. The children then made detailed drawings of a selection of fruits and flowers, using the sketching, shading and texture skills previously taught. Some children used their colour mixing skills using the medium of pencils to show realistic tones and shades. Beautiful work, Birch Class! 


Children in Aspen were learning to programme using a selection condition in Scratch. They all successfully created their own quiz and extended their learning by adding a variable to keep the score.

Year 6

Yr6 are working hard to put on their Aladdin themed production and this week received some fantastic Aladdin themed costumes which they enjoyed trying on-special thanks to Integrate for supplying them. The children finished their final topic lesson  this week, which culminated in a group project looking at the events that led to the end of WW2. They also looked at prejudice/discrimination in PSHE this week and how unkind words can deeply affect someone's feelings.


Bikes, Science and the New Forest


Our very talented children