Bikes, Science and the New Forest

Year R

Year R children had four days of bikeability this week where the children practised their balancing skills and how to glide on their bikes like birds. Everyone learnt how to check their bikes and helmets and made sure there was no bumping into others!

Year 1

In our Science topic, Y1 learnt all about worms this week. We read the Superworm book, drew our own worms and even made our own worm houses. We learnt that the darker band around a worm is called a saddle and the end closest to the saddle is the head!


Rowan class had their last Listen 2 Me concert of the year where they got the play the African drums to their adults. They have been practicing hard for the past term and have been learning how to create a rhythm as well as learning about the culture of those who play these instruments. The turn out of the concert was amazing so thank you to all who came. I am very proud of their performance. Rowan class truly exemplify the school's BEST values by Belonging to their class, putting on an Excellent performance, Supporting one another through the performance and after and Trusting in one another and their teachers. Well done Rowan class. 


In Birch Class, we have started our new science unit on 'Light and Shadows', and have our fingers crossed that the sun makes an appearance so that we can see shadows outside! In the meantime, we have been investigating light using coloured cellophane, prisms, light reactive paper and mirrors. We have explored natural and artificial sources of light and reflectors too. 


As the final element of our ‘Ancient Civilisations’ topic, we had to write a letter comparing the civilisations that we have been learning about (Egypt, Sumer and Indus Valley) by looking at some key aspects of what makes a civilisation.  The children have also been looking at making repeating and symmetrical patterns based on Islamic Art. It also linked to our work on shape. 


Aspen class continued with their Mix Media Art unit this week and spent the afternoon using marbling ink to create unique patterns. We were very impressed with their creativity.

Year 6

Year 6 had the fantastic opportunity to go on a school trip to Cameron’s cottage in the New Forest this week. They built dens, hunted for bugs and even found a couple of leeches!!


The last week of term


Bringing the outdoors into our learning