The last week of term

Year R

YR children have been practising their adding and subtracting with the counting bus this week. They have been working out how many passengers were left on the bus when some got on the bus or got off the bus at different bus stops. They also investigated odd and even numbers by being passengers on a bus. If we had a friend sitting next to us, the number of passengers was an even number, if there was no friend next to us, we were the odd one out and so the number of passengers was an odd number. The children then investigated different numbers using blocks and animals as their passengers, to determine whether a given number was odd or even.

Year 1

After taste testing different fillings and designing their sandwiches last week, the children worked hard this week making their own sandwiches and decorating their sandwich boxes. The fillings ranged from cheese, cucumber and pepper, to the more exotic jam and raisins! It was great to see the children using the skills of spreading, grating and slicing.


This week Rowan class have been creating beach huts. They have gone through the design, make, evaluate cycle. They began by studying beach huts then designed their own using their own design criteria. Then they planned what they needed to do and made them using a hacksaw, glue gun and cardboard corners to reinforce the wooden frame. Finally, they put the frames together and decorated their huts, using lolly pop sticks to create wooden cladding. They even created some amazing roofs for their huts to create shelter. They then evaluated their huts and decided on things that they liked and what they would do better next time. They look fantastic. Well done as always Rowan class. 


Birch Class have been using software to produce branching data bases. They learnt how to identify specific attributes of objects in order to develop their yes/no questions and have drawn on previous learning to create excellent branching databases. Some children created them to sort minibeasts, dinosaurs,  2D shapes and even monarchs!


Sycamore explored simple machines, learning how they make physical jobs easier by changing the strength or direction of a force.
They looked are six simple machines: pulley, lever, wheel and axle, wedge, inclined plane and screw. They were then challenged to make a catapult using a lever to launch a small object as far as they could. The children also had great fun programming our micro bits. We know how to write messages and make the LEDs and make music on them! It was great fun! 


This week, in Aspen class, we have been investigating how to separate different mixtures, solutions and suspensions as well as understanding the differences between irreversible change and reversible change. We performed an investigation that showed how a chemical reaction between vinegar and bicarbonate of soda created anew substance  - carbon dioxide - which made the change irreversible. 

Year 6


Well done year 6 for fantastic performances of your play this week. It was clear how much hard work had gone into the learning your lines, organising the props and learning the songs. Thank you to all the families and friends who came to support the children and a big thank you for all the hard work from the teachers in organising 44 children to put on a great play.


Safeguarding Notice


Bikes, Science and the New Forest