Learning through History and Music


Our new Year R children are continuing to settle into Maple Class and are showing their persistence and confidence in their new learning and surroundings. They have been learning to read and write the first five RWI speed sounds, and in maths, are learning to match, sort and compare groups of objects. Year 1 Maple Class have been showing their skills in number as they learn to find 1 more and 1 less of a number, proving what they know on a number line. They have also been learning to ask questions using 'wh' question words. 


This week Rowan class have been enjoying learning to play the ukulele. Hampshire Music Service put on a Listen to Me programme for the Year 2 children where they will learn a variety of instruments over the course of the year, culminating in an end of term concert. They have been learning to pluck, strum and tap the ukulele to create different tunes and learning different songs to go along with it. They have been having a great time and their music teacher is already impressed with their focus, resilience and persistence. 


Sycamore Class have been learning about what happened after the Romans left Britain. They have started to find out about the different groups who invaded and why. They had to work hard in pairs to find the answers to the questions and convince each other that they had the right answers! 

Elm class

Elm class have been writing descriptions of the Frost Fair inspired by the writing on Emma Carroll. They have worked hard to include semi colons and fantastic vocabulary

In music they were composing original pieces of music using ostinato and repeated rhythm. Some of the children were even brave enough to perform their piece to the whole school.


Marvellous Maths and Wonderful Writing


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