Marvellous Maths and Wonderful Writing


This week,  children in Maple Class have been learning to use specific mathematical language to compare numbers. In Year 1, children are using greater than, less than and equal to,  to compare numbers and have been using cubes and straws to show the comparisons . 

In Year R, the children are using  language such as more than, less than, the same amount, as well as comparative words (longer and shorter, taller and shorter, bigger and smaller, heavier and lighter).  They have been using lots of fun activities to explore these concepts. 


Rowan class have been writing some fantastic apology letters to this week to a very sad rabbit who has had all his trees dug up!

Also this week Rowan class had their 'visit' to an art gallery. They explored some famous still life paintings by artists such as Claude Monet, Henri Matisse, Vincent van Gogh, and Paul Cézanne. We discussed what they liked about the art, what their favourite pieces were and the style of art that each artist used. They then chose a piece of art that they wanted to try and recreate in their own artistic style. Well done Rowan class.


Sycamore Y4 were considering different scenarios in RE and justifying their viewpoints. They showed some excellent critical thinking skills and thought carefully about their anmswers.


This week in Aspen class we have been looking at hierarchy systems within the Shang Dynasty. Children were discussing why the king was at the top, who would be at the bottom and why.


Elm class have been writing their final outcome this week and have worked hard at creating their own time lapse narratives. We learnt new ways to edit our work and also how to use semi colons correctly.


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